AquaNova clients (including private consulting by V. Novotny and prior 2001 projects by AquaNova International, Ltd):
Law Firms
- Axley & Brynelson, Madison, WI
- Bell, Metzner, Gierhart & Moore, Madison, WI
- Piette & Jacobson; R.J. Smith, Wauwatosa, WI
Engineering Consulting Firms
- Carollo Engineers, Walnut Creek, CA
- CDM, Cambridge, MA
- CH2M-Hill, Milwaukee, WI
- Coler & Colantonio, Norwell, MA
- Hey and Associates, Brookfield, WI
- Woodword and Clyde, Madison, WI
- Conservation Law Foundation, Boston, MA
- Water Environment Research Foundation
Government Agencies
- US Government Accountability Office
- Department for Total Environment, Venice, Italy
- Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
- US Army Corps of Engineers, Champaign, IL
- Venezia Nuova, Venice, Italy
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison, WI
- Greenpeace International-University of Exeter, UK
- Natural Resources Defense Council, New York, NY
Industrial Clients
- Merck & Co, Mahwah, NJ
Public Utilities
- Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
- Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District
- South Florida Water Management District, Palm Beach, FL
- NATO, Brussels, Belgium