Relevant publications:
- V. Novotny, J. Ahern and P. Brown (2010) Water Centric Sustainable Communities: Planning, Retrofitting and Building Future Urban Environments, J. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ
- V. Hao, V. Novotny, and V. Nelson (2010) Water Infrastructure for Sustainable Communities: China and the World, IWA Publishing, London
- V. Novotny and P. Brown (2007) Cities of the Future: Towards Integrated Sustainable Water, Landscape and Infrastructure Management, IWA Publishing Co., London
- V. Novotny (2003) Water Quality – Diffuse Pollution and Water Management, J. Wiley, Hobokan, NJ (a bestseller)
Articles & Chapters
- V. Novotny (2013) Water-energy nexus: retrofitting urban areas to achieve zero pollution, Buildings Research and Information 41(5):589-604
- V. Novotny et al (2010) Water and energy framework and footprints for sustainable communities, Updated Technical Paper IWA World Congress and Exhibition, Montreal Sept. 19-24,2010
- V. Novotny (2011) The danger of hypertrophic status of water supply impoundments resulting from excessive nutrient loads from agriculture and other sources, Journal of Water Sustainability 1(1):1-22
- V. Novotny (2010) Urban Water and Energy Use: From Current US Use to Cities of the Future, Proc. Cities of the Future/River Restoration Conference, WEF, Cambridge, MA
- V. Novotny, and E.V. Novotny (2009) Water centric ecocities – Towards macroscale assessment of sustainability, Water Practice and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 4, ISSN Online: 1751-231X
- V. Novotny (2008) Sustainable urban water management, In Water & Urban Development Paradigms (J.Feyen, K. Shannon, and M. Neville, eds.) pp. 19-31, CRC Press, Bocca Raton, FL